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Bathroom Organizing: Get Your Guest Bathroom Guest-Ready

A comfortable, well-stocked guest bathroom will go a long way towards making your visitors feel welcome in your home.

When planning to host houseguests, don’t overlook the importance of a comfortable, well-stocked bathroom. A clean, organized space is certain to help your guests feel welcome. Unfortunately, guest quarters are often treated as extra storage space, or an afterthought entirely. It doesn’t take much effort to prepare the bathroom for overnight guests. Here are some tips and techniques:

1. Remove your own personal items. Toss expired medicine and anything that has been in there so long you have forgotten you that you own it. Clearly, its presence in your home is not helping you in any way.

2. Clean the bathroom. Wipe down the shower basin and sink. Use a dryer sheet to polish chrome fixtures. Mop the floor.

3. Stock up on supplies. Think about the types of items you find in hotel bathrooms. Extra rolls of toilet paper, soap, tissues, clean towels, shampoo, conditioner, and a hair dryer are must haves.

4. Fill the medicine cabinet with thoughtful amenities like moisturizer, toothpaste, toothbrushes, disposable razors, feminine products, and allergy medication (especially if you have pets).

5. Place q-tips and cotton balls in labeled containers.

6. Once you have stocked the bathroom, make sure there is enough space for your guests to put their own toiletries. An empty, flat surface is all they need to stash their stuff. 

7. Finally, put yourself in your guest’s shoes. Sit in the bathroom and look around. Open up the cabinets and drawers. Does it make you feel good to be in there? Do all the lights work? Does the toilet flush easily? Is there enough privacy? Washing your hands and even using the shower will help you anticipate what the bathroom needs to make someone feel comfortable. The best way to know what a room needs is to use it.