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8 Best Moving + Packing Tips

Congratulations on finding a new home! Now the hard part begins - moving and packing. We know packing can feel like a nightmare but, it doesn’t have to. We’ve compiled a list of our best moving and packing tips so you can feel prepared and sleep soundly.

1. Declutter first. Go room by room and toss or donate any items you no longer love or need now or in your new place. Be ruthless. You don’t want to pay to move things you’re not using. If this is challenging or stressful, hire us to help! We offer pre-move decluttering and basic staging services.

2. Pack a suitcase. Include all the essentials i.e., clothing, toiletries, linens, pillows, and some toys if you have kids. You don’t want to be ripping through boxes to find what you need after a long day.

3. Make a utility bin. Pack what you are going to need first in a clear, lidded plastic bin. Box cutter. Trash bags. Toilet paper. Paper towels. Cleaning supplies. Basic tools. Power strips. It will purposefully stand out in a stack of cardboard boxes.

4. Contain small, loose pieces. Place any small items like brackets and screws in labelled, plastic sandwich bags.

My family and I moved this past summer. Yes, that’s my little boy in a box but, also notice the clear, lidded utility bin.

5. Double wrap your pictures. Wrap pictures, photo albums, and frames in plastic prior to placing them in a box to protect them against any potential water damage.

6. Protect vital and meaningful items. Pack and personally transport your vital documents, jewelry, and any other irreplaceable or precious items.

7. Label. Label. Label. Clearly label ALL the boxes with room destination and contents. Label the long and short sides. If you want to color code by room destination using colorful labels or tape, go for it!

8. Label your new place. Using sticky notes or paper, label each room in your new place so the movers know which room upstairs is going to serve as the office as opposed to the guest room for example.

You’ve got this! Pack smart and you’ll have a stress-free time unpacking in your new place.

Catherine was recently the featured professional in Monarque Real Estate Group’s HomePro “Live Simply - Enjoy Fully” Pop-Up Open House Series in Naperville.