Less is More

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Declutter 101: How Can Less Feel Like More?

Photo courtesy of Logan Nolin at unsplash.com.

Imagine your home filled only with items that bring you joy; a space that feels like a sanctuary where you can find what you need as soon as you need it. In this state, less feels like more.

But, how do you go from feeling like you are drowning in clutter to living only with what you love or need? Like any major lifestyle change, it is a process — but a great one to start with the onset of a new year. Here are some things to think about as you begin:

How did I end up here?

We often look at the things we enjoy- the relationships, the experiences, the possessions- and want to hold on to them forever. We expect that these things will continue to add the same value to our lives, day-in and day-out. But life does not work this way. Not everything that adds value today will add value tomorrow. When our possessions do not reflect the season of our lives, we feel overwhelmed in our own homes. Clutter happens when people don’t regularly make time to sort through what they have and get rid of what they no longer need.

What should I ask myself before I get rid of something?

“Do I love it?”

“Do I need?”

“Does this item reflect the season of my life?”

“Does this item bring me joy?” (Be honest)

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then add it to the donate pile.

What if I have a hard time parting with my material belongings?

Start with the easy stuff. Toss things that are broken, ripped, or chipped. No matter how much it cost or who gave it to you, if an item makes you wince when you touch it, it’s time to let it go.

Is there any type of clutter that can be considered good?

The definition of what “organized” looks like can vary greatly. Some people want to keep their kitchen counters bare, while others prefer to use them to store appliances and frequently used items. For some, a “messy” workspace breeds creativity, while for others the clutter is distracting. As long as you can find what you need in 60 seconds or less, and the mess isn’t bothering others who might share your space, the clutter isn’t a problem.

Why is it important to get rid of things that don’t bring value?

Surrounding yourself with items that don’t bring value to your life leads to stress and frustration. It becomes so much more complicated to get dressed each morning. You get angry with yourself for all the time you waste looking for your keys or phone.

Owning 300 pairs of shoes that don’t fit correctly, are out of style, or that don’t match your wardrobe is burdensome. Owning 50 pairs of shoes that make you feel glamorous, confident, or comfortable is a joy. 

What should I ask myself before buying something new?

Remember, fill your home only with items that bring you joy. Only buy yourself clothes that make you look great.  Honor your space and yourself enough to not clutter it up with anything average or that is not useful. Before you buy, ask yourself:

"Do I really need this?"

“Will I actually wear this?"

"If I bring this home do I have a place to store it?"

If the answer is 'no' to any of these questions, save your money and walk away.

Shopping with intention is one of the most effective ways of keeping your space free of clutter.

I am stuck. it feels like there is so much to go through, and I am not sure if I can tell what things are fulfilling, what things can be let go, and what provides me happiness? help!

If you are overwhelmed with the amount of clutter that surrounds you but don’t know where to begin, or want to be more organized but don’t have the time to take on a big project, give us a call. Our professional organizers can quickly help you determine what to keep, where it should go, and how to avoid the situation in the future.

Less feels like more when you are surrounded by the best.

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