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End-of-School Organizing Made Easy

As the school year is winding down, many of us moms are already counting down the days until we can enjoy some well-deserved relaxation with our kids. But before we can fully embrace the lazy days of summer, we have to make it through the hectic whirlwind of end of school events first. With a schedule jam-packed full of school plays, graduations, backyard barbecues, and other celebrations, having good end of school organizing habits is more helpful than ever.

Photo credit: Unsplash

Here are a few quick and simple techniques to help maintain your sanity these next few weeks:

  1. Keep a Calendar Handy: Add every event and activity in a calendar that is shared among family members to avoid double booking. Whether the calendar is printed or an app, it does not matter, as long as everyone knows to check it. Be sure to RSVP as soon as you receive an invitation. 

  2. Use a To-do List: Look beyond just a few days and start thinking weeks ahead to avoid last-minute surprises. Make a list of things you need to do and buy before the school year ends. For example, you might need to finalize summer plans or buy teacher gifts. It’s important to block out time now to tackle these tasks, so that you can stay on top of them.

  3. Simplify Your Wardrobe: Choose three outfits, or “Mom uniforms,” that you can wear on repeat: one for practices and games, one for the school play and concert, and one for award ceremonies, graduations, and parties. Once you’ve selected your outfits, set them aside in your closet so they’re easy to access quickly. This will help you streamline your morning routine and save so much time!

  4. Conquer the Paper Piles: Schedule a date to sort through your kids' school papers and artwork. You can do it all at once or separate the task by child. Be ruthless and only keep the best of the best. Be selective and keep only the best pieces. Even if you only keep 10 pieces from each school year, you’ll still have 130-150 pieces of art and paper to store for each child by the time they finish school. Remember that less is more when it comes to storage. 

  5. Get Some Guidance: We're here to offer end of school organizing expertise and guidance when the chaos is too much to control. Book a session with us, and we will help you get organized for a smooth transition to stress-free summer days.