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Get Your Pantry Summer Ready

This summer, don’t get caught with your platters down!

Longer days, more free time, and that relaxed summer vibe. It makes you want to entertain, no? One of the best ways to ensure you’re always ready when friends and family drop by is an organized pantry.

Here are five easy steps to get your pantry ready to entertain all season long:

Post-its are great for mapping out where certain categories of items should go in your pantry.

1. Hit refresh.

Discard all expired food. If you’re not sure how long you’ve had that Montreal Steak Seasoning, toss it. Bonus tip: keep a physical or digital grocery list handy so you can easily note what you need to restock.

2. Map it out.

Before you put anything back on the shelves, create a map keeping in mind the season. For example, bring down your barbecue tools, corn holders, chop plates, Correlle, pitchers, ice cream dishes, etc. so they are more accessible. The same goes for appliances you reach for more during the summer like a blender. Group like items together. The key is to keep the categories broad. For example, don’t label a bin or basket “macaroni and cheese.” That’s too limiting. Label “kids’ lunch/dinner” instead.

A before and after of a recent pantry project. This client’s pantry is now ready for summer entertaining!

3. Stock up.

Have more crowd pleasing drinks and snacks on hand than you usually do. You can even create a basket or bin of items you just use when friends or family stop by last minute. Chips, crackers, nuts, salsa, jam, and wine are always good to have on hand.

4. Caddy ready.

Use a caddy to organize disposable utensils, cups, straws, and napkins so you can grab everything from one spot without hassle. Place your linens, cups, and silverware in your picnic basket as well so you’re ready for an impromptu backyard picnic.

5. Make it kid friendly.

Place healthy snack options in bins or baskets on lower shelves so kids and their friends can help themselves to a snack or a treat.