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Organizing Myths Professional Organizers Love to Hate

There are certain behaviors that well-meaning people demonstrate when they want to get organized that make me wince. As a seasoned professional who has helped thousands of people get their homes in better order, I have learned that certain techniques and approaches are much more successful than others in accomplishing goals related to organization. If you want to get and stay organized, here are some common behaviors and attitudes that you should cast aside ASAP:

MYTH 1: The first step in the process is a visit to The Container Store

PLEASE, PLEASE do not begin your journey to organization by buying lots of pretty containers. The temptation is there, I know. I follow those IG feeds, too. But professional organizers know that the decluttering and organizing process should not begin with accumulating more stuff. Instead, the first step is a deep decluttering session. Once everything is out that no longer belongs and you have decided what goes where, then you take your measurements, create a shopping list, and hand over your credit card.

MYTH 2: I need to set aside an entire day to organize my home

Watch out because this type of all-or-nothing thinking will disrupt your attempt to accomplish your goals. Personally, I do not know anyone who has 8 hours to dedicate to one task. Do you? Instead, figure out how much time you do have (3 hours? 45 minutes?) and choose a smaller area of your home to organize. Rather than organizing all of the toys at once, tackle the books and puzzles one day, the toys another, and dress up and stuffed animals a third. Same thing with your closet: tops and bottoms one day, accessories another. In fact, it is absolutely possible to organize your entire home in 30 minute blocks of time,

MYTH 3: My house is disorganized because it is too small/I have a lot of clutter because I have a lot of space

Yup, I have heard them both before. But I have also been in small homes that are perfectly organized and very large homes that are completely clutter-free. The size of the space isn’t the issue. Whether your house is large or small, if you have bad habits around accumulating stuff or not putting things away, then your home will feel cluttered. Create lasting changed by adopting our favorite stay organized habits.

MYTH 4: I am a failure because I can’t get my house organized

This belief is always the most heartbreaking to hear. Unfortunately it is something too many of my clients have on repeat in their minds. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you! What is wrong is that you are being expected to do way too much, to be responsible for the well-being of way too many people, to carry a debilitating mental load, and to do it all day after day after day — and that is why you don’t have time to organize, and that when you try to, you feel overwhelmed. Plus, if you share your home with others, recognize that they contribute to the issue as well.

I have a personal mantra that reads “Art Before Dishes.” It is a reminder to me that I have done enough tidying and trying to keep my household neat, and that I also need to do things that feed my soul. We do the best we can, then we allow ourselves a little fun.

Discarding these organizing myths will set you on your way to a clutter-free, “less is more” lifestyle.

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