How to Let Go of Sentimental Clutter

When we moved into our new house a year and half ago, my parents dropped off ten 84-quart bins filled with twenty plus years of keepsakes. My husband didn’t have quite as many keepsakes but, he did inherit several pieces of furniture from his grandfather. In that moment, I really missed our 800 square foot apartment and our “We just don’t have the space” excuse.

Photo credit: Google

Photo credit: Google

I should have been thrilled to tackle this project, right? It took two of us, working in tandem, over a week to sort and make some tough decisions. We shared stories, laughed, and challenged each other where needed. We’re down to one, shared 84-quart bin of keepsakes and a small box of rocks. A literal box of rocks. My husband’s paternal grandfather (and our son’s namesake) used to give him a rocks as gag gifts at birthdays and holidays. He and his grandfather would then paint funny faces on the rocks together. The boxes of baseball cards are gone but the rocks are here to stay.

Professional organizer or not, the power that sentimental items have over us is strong. Asking for help and working in short, structured spurts is definitely helpful. Guiding questions also help. Here’s a list of my favorite questions to ask to help let go of sentimental clutter:

Am I keeping this because it represents my memory or someone else’s?

Does parting with the item mean I’m also parting with the memory?

Does holding on to this item make me feel bad?

Is this item keeping me from moving forward?

Does this item serve the current season of my life?

If I haven’t used it in X years, would it feel better to give it to someone who can use it right now?

Is there a way I can document or honor what this item means to me without actually holding on to it? Is a photo enough?

Would I rather store this item indefinitely—or borrow or even re-buy this item if the need were ever to arise down the road?

Would I leave this as someone else’s responsibility?

What is the worse that would happen if you let this item go today?