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Tips for Organizing Baby Clothes

Little babies grow quickly, and in the process they go through lots of clothes. Seasonal changes also add to the amount of clothes you will need to keep your child comfortable and stylish. An easy-to-maintain system for managing clothes is essential for keeping baby clutter in check. Here are some of my favorite tips for managing all those adorable outfits:

The closet my children shared when they were 1 and 3. The Elfa closet system allowed me to maximize a tight space and reconfigure as their storage needs changed.

1. Maximize the nursery closet with a storage system that will grow with your child. I often recommend Elfa, by The Container Store, because it is very well built and easy to adjust.

2. Drawers are best. Since most baby clothes will be folded, you will only need a small area to accommodate hanging clothes.

3. Find homes for items based on the concept of “prime real estate.” Put the clothes that fit now in the most accessible areas. Do the same with other baby care items like blankets and bottles.

4. Store off-season clothes and clothes that do not yet fit in large, lidded plastic containers (56-65 quarts work well). The containers should all be the same size, shape, and color, to create a consistent look. Store these bins on a high closet shelf.

5. Keep an empty bin or basket in the closet to put outgrown clothes as you discover them. (This technique will work well in your closet, as well.)

6. As sizes and seasons change, rotate the clothes from storage container to “active” drawer to “outgrown” bin.

7. Label everything, including bins, shelves, and containers. This extra step will help all of the baby’s caregivers, including you, your spouse, Grandma, the aunts, and the nanny, maintain the order you’ve worked hard to create.

8. Consider consigning or donating clothes you no longer need or have room to store. Sites like ThreadUP make it very easy for you to sell or exchange outgrown children’s clothes. Zealous Good matches donors with non-profit organizations in need of baby clothes and gear.