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How to Get Out the Door Faster this Fall

Now that September is here, our laid back summer activities are being replaced by a more structured fall schedule. Prepare yourself and your home for new routines with these organizing tips and ideas for getting out the door faster: 

This weekend: Edit

-Clear out outgrown (or no longer loved) coats, hats, gloves, and shoes so it is easier to find what you need when you need it.

Yamazaki shoe rack

-Once you have a bag of items to donate, find a great organization that needs them. Our Resources page is a great place to start.

-Eliminate the pile of little shoes by storing them in shoe rack or bin.

-Create a checklist of things you need to do or grab before you leave the house each day: phone, snacks, gloves, trip to the potty, etc. Post it on the door.

Each night: Plan

-Take a moment in the evening, when the house is quiet and there is no reason to rush, to think about what you are going to be doing the next day. Place by the door the items you need to get those tasks accomplished.

-Make lunch and prepare snacks. For easy prep, store lunchboxes, water bottles, and containers close to one another.

-Restock your child’s diaper bag or backpack and place them by the door, too.

In the morning: Go!

-Use music to keep everyone on track to leave on time. One song could signal that it is time to have breakfast. Another means it is time to put on shoes and jackets and head out the door.

-Make a game out of getting ready. Challenge your child put on his shoes before you are done singing “Old MacDonald had a Farm” or “ABCs.”

-As you are leaving, glance at your checklist to make sure you haven’t forgotten the essentials. 

A little bit of planning, and the right products will go a long way towards starting off the day in an organized way.