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Downsizing Done Right: How to Declutter Effectively

With each stage of life comes its own unique challenges. Once your children have become adults, some might say you have an “empty nest”, but the overflowing closets and the piles of boxes in the garage tell you otherwise. Whether you are downsizing to a smaller home or simply looking to declutter your existing one, Less Is More Organizers can help you downsize a whole lifetime of possessions - without losing your identity in the process!

Many of the items you’ve accumulated throughout the years have sentimental value, which means that downsizing and decluttering often come with tricky and painful decisions. Our compassionate approach will help you be discerning, while avoiding overwhelm and shame. From years of experience, we know that there are ways to ease the burden and create an organized home from a lifetime of belongings and memories. Keep reading for our most effective tips to clear your headspace and the physical spaces in your home.

Set Goals

Every productive project starts with a goal and a plan to achieve that goal. Think about your vision for your space, whether you are moving to a smaller home or rearranging your belongings. In an ideal world, how would you want it to look? Don’t worry about the how. Just create an ideal so you are clear about where you want to end up. 

Then, consider what sort of activities will take place in each room you are organizing. What will be the purpose of this space? Being clear on the purpose will help you figure out what items need to live comfortably in the room so you can achieve that purpose. If you are transforming your daughter’s room into a home office, you will probably need to clear out some of her stuff to make space for a desk, filing cabinets, and office supplies. Making a plan will help you get a general idea of where to begin and what needs to happen to achieve your vision.

Declutter the Easy Stuff

Even when you are highly motivated to downsize, it can still be overwhelming to begin the decluttering process. Start with the easy stuff first. Choose a space with items that do not have sentimental value, such as a laundry room closet, a medicine cabinet, or a junk drawer. Toss any items that are broken or expired. Multiples of the same item might be cluttering up your home, too. For example, if you have 25 extension cords in your closet, save the three best ones and donate the rest. For the remaining items, think about when you last used them. If you forgot why you bought an item, or it has been more than a year since you used it, it is time to remove it from your home. Check out this blog for other items that you can quickly toss.

To avoid overwhelm in larger spaces, like your kitchen, living room, or bedroom closets, break down the decluttering process into small chunks. Tackle one shelf or drawer at a time, so you stay focused and keep your eye on the prize. You can also try a strategy of throwing away two items each day for 30 days to keep the clutter at bay. Over time, your efforts to reduce clutter will be noticeable, making it much easier to get organized with the remaining items.

Preserve Your Memories 

There is no way around the fact that sentimental items need to be part of your downsizing efforts. For some, it may be possible to preserve memories without holding onto the object that reminds you of them. Take a photo of or save a small piece of the item, such as a fabric swatch from your favorite shirt as a kid, and then let it go. You can do this for multiple items that you no longer use and create an album or scrapbook with all of your photos and clippings. One album full of memories takes up a lot less space than ten childhood toys sitting on a shelf. For an even greater use of space, store your photos digitally. You can also get creative and honor your memories by recording them in a journal or creating a video interview with loved ones who shared the experience with you. Is it the objects themselves that have the meaning, or the stories behind them that make them special?

For others, I know this may seem like an unspeakable betrayal. Consider approaching the process from a different perspective and addressing the reasons why you feel so strongly about keeping an item. Is it bringing you joy, or preventing you from moving forward? What is the worst thing that will happen if you part with it? Remember that many of the items you want to keep may not be valuable to loved ones who inherit them. They may end up tossing them anyway. By paring down your belongings now, you can ease the burden on your loved ones and enjoy a less stressful life now.

Parting with the belongings of kids or deceased parents can be especially tough. Remember, passing on an item that reminds you of someone else does not make the relationship you have with them any less special. I always tell my clients to choose the items that serve as the best representation of that person. Try to limit yourself to one box per person (if that is not possible that is ok, too. Just be mindful of the space you have.) Safely store the container in an out of the way location, such as on a shelf in the basement, or the top of a closet. Ask your kids or other family members if they want the rest of the items. If not, be prepared to follow through with your plan and part with them.

A great way to feel good about letting go is to donate your items to people in need. Knowing that someone else will benefit from the items that have become burdensome to you will transform your experience of the decluttering process. 

Consider New Purchases Carefully

This may sound like common sense, but it cannot be emphasized enough: think about purchases carefully before you buy them. Ask yourself: “Do I really need this?” and “Where will I put it?” Make sure you have an answer to the second question before you make any final decisions. Through careful consideration, you will ensure that your home stays organized for a long time to come. 

The process of downsizing is one that can be fraught with emotion and overwhelm. These tips will guide you through it gracefully.

For additional support from a pro, reach out to us. We can help you make a fresh start and get organized in this new season of your life through our compassionate approach to downsizing.

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